Covid-19 curbs: Teachers playing the role of counsellors as well

Covid-19 curbs: Teachers playing the role of counsellors as well
What’s changed? The last two years have been tough, no one can deny the fact that the pandemic has generated suffering on an unthinkable scale across the globe. Almost every sector has been affected by Covid-19, and the education sector is no different.       Each one of us has various needs and ways of dealing with difficult events as adults. It's the same for children. Some youngsters have coped well with the Covid-19 pandemic-related restrictions and school closures. However, there are children who find it difficult to cope with the uncertainties around them.        But on the interesting part, teachers play an important role in supporting children's classroom learning, especially after long durations of online schooling. While schools are closed, teachers continue to apply various strategies to safeguard their students' learning and emotional well-being.       "Many children’s mental health got affected by Covid-19 and school closures. It is critical for teachers to listen to kids' problems, and display understanding and sensitivity. Allow pupils to have a one-on-one talk with you to reconnect and discuss problems that may have emerged during the time their school was closed. Please follow the protection or child safeguarding processes in place if a youngster says something that concerns you,” said Renu Shorey, Director, Gillco International School.       When asked about support in connecting?       She said, “Teachers should examine how kids are performing before imparting new academic topics to them. Always remember that children may face trouble concentrating or want additional time to get back into the learning process. Allow children to take pauses, walkabout and reconnect by providing opportunities for them to do so”      Important key: Keep students informed        Children may have varied opinions and questions about Covid-19. So, respond to children's queries on Covid-19, using appropriate resources that are based on scientific evidence. Don't forget to teach kids about school safety procedures, such as what to do if a Covid-19 case is discovered in their neighborhood.         Seek suggestions from children       Well, children can make recommendations, help with encouraging slogans, and work in small groups to help each other catch up on their learning. Let them know that the only solution to get through these challenging times is by being supportive of one another.       On the other part, teachers may help children feel safe and secure by interacting with them and creating strong relationships with them, and employing engaging routines throughout the day.       Watch out for warning signs       Keep an eye out for changes in children's behavior. Follow school policy and/or seek further support and direction if you see substantial changes in a student's behavior that persist over time, prohibiting them from functioning appropriately.       If a teacher notices that a student is facing difficulties, he/ she can offer a lot of help. If you believe the child requires specialised care, you should seek additional support and recommend them to child primary care physicians, or mental health specialists.        Encourage play and sports       Many countries have imposed stringent physical distance restrictions on children, preventing them from playing and interacting with their classmates and in other public settings. In accordance with safety standards, make sure that children have plenty of opportunities to mingle and interact with the classmates they've been missing for so long.

from IndiaTV: Google News Feed

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